I Think I Like You
A counterintuitive approach to navigating dating and building relationships in the digital age. This is for the woman who feels disenchanted by more common dating rhetoric and sometimes even questions if she wants a relationship at all. She already lives a rich, full life. She would like to share that with someone, but not at the expense of herself. What gives? That’s where we’re digging in.
139 episodes
The season in life where I thought "Maybe I just don't want a relationship" | Ep 132
There was a moment about five years ago, around age 34, where I thought to myself: Maybe I just don't want a relationship.Clients will say a similar thing to me, often using language like: I'm not even sure I want ...

This is where the feeling "I'm never going to meet someone" comes from | Ep 131
Private coaching spaces are open.Here's something I hear from clients all the time:I'm never going to meet someone.There's no one left.All the good men are gon...

If you want something new (the new job, the new partner), you're going to have to let something go| Ep 130
Private coaching spaces are open.When we want to acquire something new, be it a new job, a new relationship, a new home, a new life experience, we tend to think of it as additive. ...

This might be my go to marriage + dating advice for all of 2025 | Ep 129
The other week a friend sent me a clip from Instagram, and despite not being the biggest Logan Ury fan, I really got down with what she was

I've been in therapy for years but I'm still single. What gives? | Ep 128
Here's where I meet most of my clients: They've been in therapy for years, they have a tremendous amount of awareness around their stuff — their mom issues, their dad issues, their attachment style, their insecurities, how they attract the wron...

Why you don't need to (and shouldn't) go on a million dates to meet someone in 2025 | Ep 127
Work with me privatelyTake one of my online coursesJanuary tends to be a month rife with a lot of "I'm going to do this and...

Embracing a slow start to 2025 and my first few weeks as a mom | Ep 126
How are you all? It's been a minute! I'm slowly coming out of my cocoon of maternity leave. I'm only working part time, if that in January. In today's episode I'm sharing what the last few weeks have been like and how I'm embracing a slow start...

Why is sex with the people who are so wrong for us so good w/ therapist, Julia Zwerin | Ep 125
We've all had the guy (or....guys ; )) who don't communicate well, who leave us in the dark, who aren't looking for commitment or exclusivity. Maybe they're clear about it, maybe they're not. Either way, they're like a drug we can't quit — quit...

How overachievers shoot themselves in the foot with their careers, and what we can do about it | Ep 124
How in touch are you with your curiosity? How much do you listen to it and let it guide you? In life, but especially in your work?Like many of you listening, I spent years in work and careers that I did out of obligation. A tried and tr...

*Podcast Update* What's coming, where I've been, new courses, my maternity leave, etc.
Hello friends — it's been a minute since we've had a new episode! I'm popping in here with some updates to the podcast, my coursework, new coaching services coming and more as I prepare for my maternity leave.Links mentioned in this epi...

How do we sit with the desire for a relationship while also not knowing when it will happen? | Ep 123
This is a question I dance with, and often, with clients. How do we sit with our desire for something, and attempt to work towards it, but not know if or when or how it's going to come to fruition? How do we do so while we watch it happening fo...

We don't necessarily need our partners to come fully therapized, our confusion around settling, and the emotional labor necessary for us all in relationships w/ Kara Loewentheil | Ep 122
A few months prior, I caught the wedding announcement for my friend and colleague, Kara Lowentheil, in the NY Times. It wasn't the flowers or he...

Do you believe yourself to be desirable? Do you expect to be asked out? A sneaky way you could be self sabotaging your dating life | Ep 121
What's your perception of yourself? How do you view yourself? Based on that, what do you believe is or isn't available to you? What do you think you can have? What do you think you deserve?I'm posing these questions in relation to roman...

Part III: How our drive to be good, to be high achievers, to put other people's needs before our own keeps us single or stuck in unhealthy relationships | Ep 120
Today's episode marks part three in our series exploring patterns of the eldest daughter/hero child, and how that either leaves us chronically single or in really unfulfilling relationships — or some mix of the two!Today's episode gets ...

Part II: Why eldest daughters/hero children can remain chronically single or just have so much resistance to dating | Ep 119
New Offerings!The Situation-ship SootherThe Breakup / Post-Divor...

<Mini Ep> Why do women who don’t do the work, who are are just as messed up as the rest of us, find great people? Why does it just never happen for me?
I love this question and even more so, this listener for asking it. In this quick mini ep, I'm expanding upon the following points below — i.e. reasons why I think this is the case:There are people (men/women alike) who say or think...

Part I: How Eldest Daughters/Hero Children Struggle in Relationships | Ep 118
Today kicks off a three part, maybe four (lots to discuss!), that goes deep into a subject I broached on Instagram a few weeks back: Eldest daughters/hero children – i.e. the go...

<Mini Ep> Go ahead, be hopeless. You don't need hope for your dating life.
Hello, friends. Popping in with a short and sweet episode — something I plan to do more of — digging into the following question I received from a follower in an 'Ask Me Anything' poll I did on Instagram earlier this week:What if I ...

How do we know if we're settling? How did I know my husband was the one? Should I do a prenup? And more in this Q+A Episode |Ep 117
It's the thick of summer and we're digging into a Q+A episode this week. Thank you so much to those of you who submitted questions!In this episode I'm talking about:Prenups. Do we get them? Not get them?How did I kn...

My ultimate goal with clients isn't marriage | Ep 116
Private Coaching Spaces are OpenJoin the Big Dating Nap // Dating Sanity Capsule combined programOne might as...

Dealing with MONEY in relationships | Ep 115
Ya'll we are digging into all things MONEY today. This is a real doozy of an episode, so settle in for a long walk, a batch of laundry or whatever else you like to do while you're listening. In this episode I'm taking you behind the scenes of t...

On Making, Maintaining and Letting Go Of Friends In Our 30s and 40s | Ep 114
On the heals of a very significant friendship ending for me in the last few years, the nature of friendship — what drives our friendships, what they look like, how our relational patterns manifest in this space (i.e. outside of romance) — has b...

On trusting the (divine) timing of our lives + What's behind *feeling* behind | Ep 113
Private Coaching Spaces are OpenDo you feel behind in life? It's a question I face and contemplate with clients (and often myself) all the time. Today's conversation isn't o...

The career conversation I'm having with all my 38ish friends | Ep 112
Over the last few months I've had a series of conversations with friends/colleagues (some with kids, some without), that have gone:I'm looking for a new job but I want it to be at a much smaller firm with a lot less stress/no workin...

On being resistant to ease in your dating life — and life in general | Ep 111
Did you grow up learning to work hard, get good grades, get into the best school(s) possible, hit any academic and professional achievement that you could? I did. And I learned to love it.I learned to love, and thus value, hustle, hard ...